Title: Altered Author: Jennifer Rush Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers Publication Date: January 1, 2013 ISBN-13: 978-0316197083 336 pp. ARC provided by publisher Altered by Jennifer Rush is a real thrill ride of a novel. Lots of action, lots of twists and turns. The story centers on Anna, who lives in an old farmhouse with her father. Downstairs is a secret lab where four young men are kept in high-security cells for tests and observation. Anna long ago figured out that her dad works for the Branch and that the four men are genetically altered super-soldiers. She befriends the guys, smart-ass Cas, studious Trev, angry Nick, and the leader of the group, Sam. On the day that the Branch comes to collect their test subjects, Anna is caught in the mayhem that occurs when the guys make their escape. Soon she's on the run with them as they follow clues that they hope will tell them who they really are. The clues also lead Anna to question everything sh...
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