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Looking Back on 2011

At the beginning of the year (oh, shiny New Year!) I wrote a post about my goals for 2011. Now it's time to be held accountable.

My first goal was to finish the 2011 Debut Author Challenge. GOOOOOAAAAAL! I read and reviewed 12 debut YA novels.

I actually read a total of 322 books this year, the vast majority of which were picture books. But there were three non-debut novels and two adult non-fiction books as well.

My second goal was to finish my WIP. This goal wasn't met, but I am up to Draft #7. It's taken me awhile, but I've finally realized that I started in the wrong place. So I've chucked the first forty pages. I know what the problem is and how to fix it. I've just got to do it.

Which means my third goal to query agents didn't happen. But I've continued to add to my list of researched agents.

I also had some mini-goals. One was to start a YA critique group. That didn't happen either. My regular crit group, which is YA and MG, is in flux right now. I'd like to keep that one going before I try to set up another one. And one of the MG writers is now working on YA, and maybe I don't need a separate group anymore.

Another mini-goal was to start on the next project, which was contingent on finishing my current WIP. So that's still on a back burner.

The last mini-goal was to keep up with social media. I've continued to use (and love) Twitter and I've gotten much more consistent about blogging. (I'm planning on some changes for next year; more details in the next post). That one I'm saying goal met.

I try to remind myself that just because certain goals weren't met doesn't mean the year was an epic fail. It just means that I'm further along the road in my journey. A big thing for me is that I'm learning how to slow down and enjoy the view.

Happy New Year!
